Tuesday, September 13, 2011

the insanity that is Missoni for Target

I have had this event written on my calendar for weeks now, talked to my little sister in my sorority who now works for Target in Minnesota, and was extremely excited to get my hands on a Missoni scarf like this one: 
From The Blonde Salad
After all that, I forgot to set my alarm to go before work this morning! But not to worry, I ended up having a fashion nightmare about missing it & WOKE UP FROM IT IN TIME TO GO TO THE STORE! I am crazy- I know. 

I went at 8:30 am to get my hands on some. 
My wish list was:
#1 -  scarf
#2 -  flats
#3 - cardigan 

I was so surprised by how many people were as dedicated to going super early --- the racks were already practically empty when I arrived! 

But I managed to score: 
My loot!
can't wait to wear my new items =) 
I was unsure about this skirt up until the last minute in the store, but decided to just go with it, it is a large so I hope it fits!
Didn't have the woman's scarves when I entered the store but I ended up getting both color sets  from the girls line {$14.99 each} for the around the same price as one woman's scarf -thought it was a fab plan =)
<3 this piece, so versatile!
This was one of my goals =) mission completed!

This was a another one of my goals =) mission completed! {had to get a size 5 because it was the ONLY pair left, thank god for my little feet!}

So overall I spend about $170 {Happy Birthday to me!}
I wish I got these: 

& a dress like the one on The Blonde Salad
I was so close to getting this but a women grabbed it as I was reaching... =(

but beggars can't be choosers! 

Lots of people were loading carts full of stuff- check ebay.com for almost every piece of the Missoni for Target line {for 5x the price! Seriously my flats above cost me $22 and now are $180 on ebay.com CRAZYYYYY}, I agree that this is a shitty situation but people can't be mad at Target for this kind of stuff, just the crazy fashion world we live in. 

It is really crazy how it sold out in an hour! {& target.com has been in and out of service all day- keeps crashing!}

Did you guys score anything good? What are your thoughts on the ebay fiasco? 
Will target restock? I am curious...